Das ganze Universum preist Ihn – Wie groβ ist unser Gott!

Geniale Botschaft, die die Größe Gottes in Seiner Schöpfung zeigt – Englisch mit deutschen Untertiteln.

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    Giglio, Louie

    Louie Giglio is Pastor of Passion City Church and the Founder of the Passion movement, which exists to call a generation to leverage their lives for the fame of Jesus.

    Since 1997, Passion has gathered collegiate-aged young people in events across the US and around the world. Notably, in 2017, more than 55,000 students gathered for Passion 2017 in Atlanta’s Georgia Dome for one of the largest Jesus-focused collegiate events in history.

    Each year, Passion continues to see 18-25 year olds fill venues across the nation in pursuit of lives lived for God's glory.

    Louie and Shelley make their home in Atlanta, Georgia.