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Our prayer house is a place of worship and intimacy with the Lord. It is a place where we encounter God; where HE is sought for his own sake and for the sake of his kingdom. Basically, it’s always about HIM! We give Jesus room so that we can deeply encounter Him in worship and in times of soaking, as well as during intercession and prayer for the nations. The prayer house is a place of intimacy where we don’t rely on our own strength, but instead, enter into the peace of God. We do not serve as employees or workers; but serve God the Father as His sons and daughters. We worship God, simply because He is worthy. Our quiet prayer room also offers a place of intimacy in the presence of the Lord where one can encounter the Lord alone or with others. |
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Our prayer house will always be a home for prayer warriors, intercessors and worshipers who have a call to serve like Anna did (Lk 2: 36-37), and who want to follow this calling with like-minded people. We believe that God will call individuals into full-time or part-time ministry in the area of intercession. The opportunity to pray locally, within the nations and during training outreaches creates a wide scope within the prayer ministry and prayer will therefore never be boring. |
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Our prayer house is also a place where prayer and intercession specifically occurs for the nations. Our heart beats for the transformation of nations, for world mission and for persecuted Christians. We don’t only rest in the presence of God but are also determined to fight and work in the Spirit because the kingdom of God must reach every nation. We are called and redeemed ambassadors of the kingdom of God and this calling fills us with great joy. We therefore place value on the fact that every prayer warrior should completely submit themselves to God, to His plans and to His will. Our prayer house is a place of prophetic intercession and regency. At times, our prayer house can also be quite loud due to the pleading, declaring and spiritual warfare that occurs. We cry out: “Kingdom of God come! On earth as it is in heaven! Will of God be done on earth as it is in heaven!” Our goal is not only to learn to pray individually or to have others pray for us, but to learn to pray together as a group because in unity there is authority. Learning to pray in the Spirit and in unity is a training field that should not be underestimated. As a prayer house, we also offer “public prayer times” in which a wide variety of topics are covered. All who would like to join us in prayer are invited to join us for any of the public prayer sessions. Prayer is learnt through praying. |
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Our mission is not only to pray locally, but also within the nations. Jesus said: “Go into all the world …” This is why regular prayer outreaches are part of our prayer house ministry. Ministering within the nations fills us with great joy and the experiences we have with the Holy Spirit in the nations continuously ignites a passion in us for God and His wonderful kingdom. Our prayer house is a training location for intercessors as priests and kings (apostolic-prophetic seminars, various schools and discipleship modules). The main focus in the prayer house is not only on the quantity of prayers, but on the person as a prayer warrior. In Europe we are predominantly children of dualism and humanism. For this reason, we are therefore all in danger of primarily praying out of the visible realm. The prayer house provides a place for people to stand firm in their identity in the Spirit (as priests and kings) and therefore learn to pray out of the invisible kingdom of God. |
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Our deepest desire is to release individuals into their calling as prayer warriors. With our background as Bible School teachers, trainers and seminar leaders; we will continue to offer training courses for intercessors and prayer leaders, etc. in order to assist prayer warriors and worshippers to step into their calling. These training sessions are open to both internal prayer house staff as well as to prayer warriors and prayer group leaders from different churches and ministries. Our heart is for individuals and teams to be strengthened, empowered and encouraged in their particular ministries and responsibilities. In addition, we can also grow in our calling through theologically sound training material. We have made a number of materials available to you via our Media centre which cover topics such as prayer and prophecy and which are grounded in many years of experience (free of charge). |
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We also place great value on the hospitality towards leaders. Our prayer house is a place where leaders can be refreshed, renewed and equipped and where they can receive direction and guidance. The possibility also exists for leaders to spend a few days at Kingdom Impact in the form of a personal retreat where they can seek and spend time with God. If possible, we will also gather a team together to prophetically hear for the leaders. The quiet prayer room is also a place where leaders can encounter God and seek new direction and vision. (Rooms are self-catering and have a small kitchen available.) |
1 Thessalonians 5:16-18
“Rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.”
Of course, this call to prayer applies to every church and every child of God, however, throughout history there have always been people who have obeyed the call to pray just like Anna did– as mentioned in Luke 2: 36-37:
“There was also a prophet, Anna, (…..) She never left the temple but worshiped night and day, fasting and praying.“
Throughout the centuries, there have been intercessors, worshipers and prophets that have dedicated their lives to the ministry of prayer and worship. Many of them live out this calling together with other brothers and sisters within monasteries or communities. On the other hand, many individuals also devote themselves to prayer in addition to their family life, professional career and church life.
We believe that the special call to fulltime prayer ministry still exists today!
Across all Christian denominations, people have started re-experiencing the joy and authority of encountering and collaborating with God in prayer. Prayer movements, such as Aglow, Lydia, “Harp & Bowl”, MiK, 24-7 and IHOP have emerged in the decades that followed the World Prayer Conference in 1984 and have multiplied and become widespread in the Western world.
What God is doing in the area of prayer within the nations of Asia, Africa and Arabia far exceeds our experiences in the western world! More than 9,000 official international representatives of different prayer movements and prayer initiatives gathered at the 2012 Jakarta World Prayer Conference. About 100,000 intercessors and worshipers (including prayer warriors from Indonesia) were also present at this joint prayer event.
Prayer houses have been established in countless places all over the world. They have also been around for many years in Germany, Austria and Switzerland– yet all with very different focuses, emphases and purposes.
We as “Kingdom Impact Prayer House” have been closely connected with some of these prayer houses for a number of years. We have also been able to assist in the training and equipping of prayer house staff members and teams within Germany, India and Switzerland