The new apostolic era (1-7)

01 Apostolic passion 1 - Roger Mitchell

02 Apostolic passion 2 - Roger Mitchell

03 Apostolic ministry and intercession 1 - Roger Mitchell

04 Apostolic ministry and intercession 2 - Roger Mitchell

05 Apostolic ministry and intercession 3 - Roger Mitchell

06 The new apostolic era has begun 1 - Roger u. Sue Mitchell

07 The new apostolic era has begun 2 - Roger u. Sue Mitchell

Mitchell, Sue & Roger

Sue Mitchell is a world-renowned prophetic trainer and woman of God. Sue and her husband, Roger, live in Lancaster (England) and lead the ministry “2mt”. Together, the couple strongly ministers in the areas of: Coaching, conflict resolution and social and emotional restoration.

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    Mitchell, Sue & Roger

    Sue Mitchell is a world-renowned prophetic trainer and woman of God. Sue and her husband, Roger, live in Lancaster (England) and lead the ministry “2mt”. Together, the couple strongly ministers in the areas of: Coaching, conflict resolution and social and emotional restoration.