… a prophetic-apostolic ministry, community and House of Prayer with a specific assignment to do life together in Spirit. Conjunctionally, we operate from a posture of servanthood with a strong mandate for training people internationally and interdenominationally on living in the Kingdom of God.
… to see the invisible kingdom of God manifested in the visible world around us – „on earth as it is in heaven“.
Yes, the kingdom of God has to become more tangible in our everyday life, our families, our relationships and in the nations. That is what moves our hearts and excites us!
The ministries that are segments and part of Kingdom Impact are Kingdom Impact Teaching and Training, the House of Prayer and the Kingdom Impact Publishing and Media ministry.
Highway Ministries, led by Jacky and Angela Krättli, as well as Arise Ministries, led by Mike and Kay Chance, our partner ministries of Kingdom Impact that together we burn for, share, and carry a unified vision that God placed in our hearts.
1. Training ministry
Our training ministry is our most “visible” ministry. Teaching and training, established from and taking place within practical experience, is central to our training schools and seminars. Our team and our volunteers live and work together and training therefore takes place within our everyday lives. In this way, discipleship occurs within all areas of life and enables individuals to become deeply anchored within the Word of God.
In addition, we are also often invited to accompany churches and organisations within the training of certain ministry areas or even within their growth and building phases. During such seasons, we will regularly meet and work with the leaders, churches and the teams that are involved in the specific ministry or growth phase.
2. Serving God through intercession and worship
An important part of our mandate is to serve the Lord through worship and intercession. This happens both locally within our prayer house in Denkingen, as well as through our “mobile” intercessors, who live in various places in Germany and Switzerland, and who work with us in prayer from home. We believe that nothing in the kingdom of God will come to pass or remain without prayer. Prayer is the “motor” of our ministry which primarily enables us to live out and mulitply the treasures that God has revealed to us.
3. Fellowship and commitment through community living
The third mandate of Kingdom Impact is our call to live as a team within community.
We want to live in the light with each other, test the messages that we preach and
experience God’s kingdom while we do life together. We believe that the kingdom of
God not only wants to come upon individuals, but always on
relationships and communities because the treasures of the kingdom of God can
only fully be lived out within community. Due to the fact that we are living out exactly
what we proclaim, we have therefore begun to recognize that our message has
become much clearer, is more powerful and also has a greater impact.
We work and co-operate with various churches and ministries – Examples over the past few years include:
Watchmen on the wall, Germany; Augsburg prayer house; round table prayer; FEG Illmensee; Bretheren church, Wilhelmsdorf; BGG Albstadt; Christ church, Ellwangen; Amden prayer house; Stadthagen prayer house; House of Life, Hochimst; various church planting movements; Youth With a Mission, etc.
… can be found in the column on the right. Have fun exploring our website!