The Word of God is central to all prophetic training. Our Kingdom Impact-team therefore moves and ministers with great joy and confidence among the many different churches and denominations. These include: new church plants, churches with a long standing history, mission communities, prayer houses, individual teams as well as entire movements and networks.
We are deeply thankful to be able to enjoy the variety of callings and ministries within the body of Christ here in Germany, Austria, Switzerland and around the world.
The kingdom of God is always built upon relationships. This is a core value of Kingdom Impact and is crucial to our serving and ministering. We believe that God is placing a new focus on discipleship today and that He is teaching His body about the importance of being a family and an army.
We love and treasure the diversity of expressions and areas of focus within the body of Christ. We are very aware of the fact that our ministry is simply one small piece of the big puzzle that forms the whole body.
Along our journey, we have experienced many churches that have expressed a deep hunger and openness for spiritual growth. Simultaneously, however, we have also encountered much destruction and devastation due to the strongholds of our times here in Europe. Individualism and humanism, in particular, have indoctrinated even the children of God.
As a result of these strongholds, we have often treated the church as a mere natural association. We have forgotten the church’s true calling: A spiritual body, the bride of Christ and a holy temple that is built with living stones.
Despite any disappointment or frustrations that we might (and most probably will) experience as humans in the body of Christ, we should never-the-less not judge or respond to the church with human understanding alone. As Christians, it is essential that we recognize individuals and churches for who they are in their spiritual identities and callings. This is especially vital within times of crisis.
We marvel at the fact that (in spite of all human failure) God has built His church over the centuries, regardless. This is our hope and confidence, even today, as we put our trust in the greatness of our God trather than relying on human strength. He holds His church in Europe safely in His hands.
Fact is: God is building His church. He is shaping and moulding the body of Christ in such a way that we can hardly keep track of it all. We stand in awe of His sovereign plan. As a team, we have witnessed God’s sovereignty within church planting movements in north India and Switzerland and have heard countless testimonies alike from many other parts of the world. We are equally excited about the hunger and eagerness of the many churches desiring to rediscover and take hold of the mandate of discipleship and of a life in the Spirit.
The challenges we face, with regards to our worldview, are similar all around the world. However, one thing is constant: God is building His kingdom from the inside out! True change can only occur through a renewed heart. We long to see the worldview of the bible and of the kingdom life to be fully embraced afresh. This is so completely different to today’s prevalent worldview that is shaped by humanism and individualism.
One of our great priorities in our ministry is to come alongside leaders and therefore serve and strengthen the body of Christ during times of crisis. Our utmost concern in this is to train leaders and church members to grow into mature disciples of Jesus Christ so that the body as a whole will be able to listen and submit to the Holy Spirit’s leading – even during times of testing.